Sunday, 28 September 2008

The Zoo!

Taking advantage of the unseasonably nice weather, we decided to take a trip to the London Zoo and spend the day with the animals. We couldn't have asked for a sunnier, nicer day - especially this late in September. The leaves are changing over here already, which makes me a little sad. It seems too soon! The leaves, though, do put on a good show.

On an academic note, I will finally start classes this Tuesday, over a month later than I normally begin my Fall semester. I have to admit, I'm quite anxious to begin. It's been lovely being over here, but my poor little structured soul needs some direction and schedule applied to my daily life. I've already started my reading lists, concentrating on the Reformation since that will be the topic of my first paper. Also, as it happens, BBC is airing the second season of The Tudors, so my mind has been completely entrenched in the early 16th century. (Wycliffe, Erasmus, and More, Oh My!) Not much else has happened - perhaps next week will be more interesting!

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