Sunday, 16 November 2008

Norwich for the Weekend

Last weekend my flatmate Francesca invited me to visit her house in Norwich. Norwich is located in the northeastern part of England, in East Anglia. The trip was a great weekend away from the hustle & bustle of London, and her family is absolutely lovely. I think I ended up spending more time with her parents and younger brother than Ces did! We spent Saturday touring Nowich Cathedral, Norwich Castle, the market downtown, and of course doing a little bit of shopping. I don't think I've spent a Saturday with Francesca and not done a bit of shopping come to think about it...
Added Bonus: Someone else cooked our meals for four days. Score. Francesca's mom introduced me to the concept of a "cheesy egg", to which I will be forever grateful as I've already re-created twice. Yum.

A view of Norwich from a window in the Castle's Keep.

This past week has been somewhat productive. I turned in my first paper for Early Modern Cultural History, and I've no idea whether its complete rubbish or not. It has a thesis. And points. As to whether those points actually argue the thesis is still, in my mind, debatable. I suppose I'll find out in two weeks time when my professor returns it! My Early Modern Britain seminar was quite enjoyable this week. Supposedly the topic was Witchcraft, but that could be contested, seeing as we covered the US Election, tidiness & organization methods, and our professor's medical problems (his doctor said that with the new medicine he was going to begin taking, our prof would have to severely limit his alcohol intake; the good professor is now researching alternative medicines).

Wednesday was Light Up Night on Oxford Street, where they officially turn on all the Christmas decorations. The whole street looked bright and cheerful and just down-right Christmas-y. Francesca squealed and began to hum Christmas tunes whilst Laura pondered how utterly un-green it must be for all the extra lights to be running. Oh our little socialist; what would life be like without her?

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