As today commences reading week here at the King's History Department, I have officially survived half a term of study at UK university. Impressive, right? And how will I celebrate a week of no lectures or seminars?? That's right, you guessed it - by spending time at the library!! I know, I know, it's a radical and crazy wacky plan, but you can expect nothing less from this kid. Honestly though, I have two major essays due next week - one on Cromwell, one on female autobiography in the early modern period - and this chica has no time to spare.
Though I may sound deceptively devoted to my academics, rest assured that I have been enjoying myself as well. This past Tuesday was the Hell-O-Ween ball at Ministry of Sound. Yours truly went as Medusa, while flatmates Matthew and Tessa went as a vampire and witch respectively. Below is a picture of Matt, Me, and Francesca .

Francesca lacked a costume because the costume shop was closed on Saturday. This may not sound devastating, but when you trek across town, fighting weekend crowds and uncooperative rainy weather, only to have the store be unexpectedly closed, well, it sucks. She managed to look stunning anyways. Having partied ourselves out on Tuesday, Halloween itself was a much quieter affair, consisting of a movie-night in watching
Van Helsing. The outside activities that night may have been more tempting if it wasn't pouring down sleet outside. The weather has gotten so cold over here!! I am even wearing winter gloves.
Not much else has happened. My classes were all canceled last Tuesday due to a power failure at the Strand Campus (the campus which houses all of my classes, incidentally). No one really knew what to do for the hour we were suppose to hang around waiting to see if they could fix the electricity, so the massive crowd of uni students headed over to the library en masse. The poor building probably doesn't see that many students inside its walls outside of spring exams. The cafe in the basement even ran out of food. (Come now, you don't think everyone headed to the library to
read, now do you??)
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